Ricardo Parra

Senior Front-end Developer



Personal Details

Working History

Mobile Boost

2021 - Current

Role: Front-end Tech Lead

Worked as the main front-end developer.

Project: GPT driver

AI native mobile testing.
Backed by Y Combinator.

Key technologies: React, Javascript, firebase.

Project: Chrome Extension Scrapper App

Key technologies: React, Tailwind, JQuery, Webpack 5,Yarn.

Project: Kitchenful Flutter Mobile App

Key Technologies: Dart, Flutter, Flutter Hooks, Riverpod, Formz, Dio, Freezed, Sembast, AutoRoute, Localizely, Revenue Cat, Git.

Project: Kitchenful Web App

Key technologies: Javascript, React, Tailwind CSS, Remix Run, Lambda, S3, Route 53.


2020 - 2021

Role: Sr. Flutter Mobile Developer.

Worked as front-end developer of the mobile app, and as team leader and main front-end developer of the web app.

Project: Cuballama Mobile

Key technologies: Dart, Flutter, Bloc, Formz, Dio, Freezed, Firebase Remote Config, Firebase Crashlytics, Firebase Cloud Messaging, Instabug, Segment, Braintree, Localizely, Git.

Project: Cuballama Flutter Web App

Key technologies: Dart, Flutter Web, Bloc, Riverpod, Formz, Dio, Freezed, AutoRoute, JS Library, Braintree, Localizely, Git


2015 - 2020

Role: Full-stack developer.

Worked in several mobile and web applications, as well as a data analyst.

Key technologies: EmberJS, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Git, ReactJS, React Native, Java EE, Flutter, PHP, Laravel, Gitflow, Python Flask, Expo, NodeJS, Koa, Sequelize, MySQL, Symfony, Pentaho data integration and analytics platform, JAX-RS - RestEasy (API JSON), Swagger, AngularJS, D3 library, NodeJS.